One lets you target both React Native and web with a single codebase, replacing both Metro and a separate web framework with a single framework, with shared file-system routing.
One runs on Vite, which brings to React Native broad file-type support, modern TS and ESM support, powerful tree shaking and code-splitting, faster compilation, and best-in-class docs, types, plugins, and community.
One works well as:
Keep in mind, One is in early development and needs time to stabilize.
For a few more answers to common questions, see our FAQ.
One will include Zero as the default, but ejectable, solution to data. Why?
We loved Rails. It proved vertically integrated stacks can make you way more effective. But with rich client-side apps, and a lot more money in our industry, we don't think all-in-one makes sense for a framework.
One doesn't aim to provide everything, but we see a unique opportunity with data:
A great client-side data library is, in our opinion, the biggest win in productivity you can get from a third party dependency.
A framework that understands your data and schema has huge upsides - not just directly, or in shared understanding, but in tooling and beyond. We're excited to show you some of what we're working on here.
And of course if you hate it, you can eject with a single boolean.
One started as an experiment in porting Expo Router to our vxrn library. We since changed much of the internals and added render modes and a variety of features. We owe the Expo team a huge thanks for their pioneering efforts.
One was built thanks to some amazing open source technologies and contributors:
APIs.And a special thanks to the following individuals:
npm package.Edit this page on GitHub.